Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Diversity and Inclusion Forum

 RIC Theatre students!

At 1pm this Friday (9/18/20), we will be gathering to discuss issues of Diversity and Inclusion in relationship to our program.
Interested students can access the meeting via the Zoom link listed below.

A little background: our industry, as well as our country, has also been undergoing a lot of reflection, examination, and change -- from the exposure of predatory and abusive behavior to the examination of the role that white supremacy has played in determining aesthetics, as well as hiring and rehearsal practices. 

This meeting will be the first of what we hope are regular meetings to discuss ideas and suggestions for moving our program forward towards a more inclusive and welcoming model for all. With that in mind, this meeting will be an exchange and sharing of experiences, suggestions, and hopes. The faculty will be present, mostly to listen, take notes, and absorb the information. Out of these exchanges, we can then move towards different sessions that can be more specifically focused (about, for example, course proposals, areas of interest, invited guest ideas, workshops, and events, etc., etc.)

In preparation for this gathering, you may wish to take a moment to consider:
What does a diverse inclusive experience mean for you and those in your community? What does inclusive mean?
In what ways has RIC both supported and fallen short of this experience? 
Can you imagine solutions or directions that we can take to move towards this goal?

This meeting is not open to the public; what you share in this meeting will be shared only with the participants of this discussion. 

Here is the Zoom link information:

Meeting ID: 992 471 8065
Passcode: 3q0VaPUR

We look forward to seeing you there!

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