Saturday, January 30, 2021

UPDATE Barbecue Rehearsal Schedule 1/31 - 2/5


Rehearsal Schedule 

1/31/21 - 2/5/21

Upd. 2/4/21

Wednesday, Feb. 3rd:
7PM: Work w/ Family A, (Barkett, Fleet, McGough, Medeiros, Tavares Called)

Thursday, Feb. 4th:
7PM: Work w/ Movie Family, (Quddus, Farley, Cruz, Cabral Called)
8PM: Work w/ Perry (James T. monologue)
8:30PM: Work w/ Barbaras (Tavares, Dina)

Friday, Feb. 5th:
7PM: No Rehearsal 

*Schedule is subject to change.


Friday, January 29, 2021

Weekly Schedule: January 31st - February 6th

SUNDAY, 1/31

7:00-10:00pm - Barbecue Rehearsal



7:00-10:00pm - 26 Pebbles Rehearsal


7:00-10:00pm - Barbecue Rehearsal



7:00-10:00pm - 26 Pebbles Rehearsal


7:00-10:00pm - Barbecue Rehearsal



7:00-10:00pm - 26 Pebbles Rehearsal


7:30-10:00pm - Barbecue Rehearsal



7:00-10:00pm - 26 Pebbles Rehearsal


7:00-10:00pm - Barbecue Rehearsal



2:00pm - Barbecue Production Mtg


3:00pm - 26 Pebbles Production Mtg


7:00-9:00pm - Barbecue Rehearsal



Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, January 28, 2021

MTD (music theatre dance) Gear Survey

Hello all !!

We're looking into placing another MTD apparel order and are looking to get a sense of what items might be popular. Pricing for each item is also determined by how many we order, so I need an estimate to get a quote from the printer.

Please fill out the below survey and let us know!

Please note: Filling out this survey does not commit you to buying anything! You're just expressing an interest and an official order form will be forthcoming once I get pricing.

Also, if you don't remember what the MTD graphic looks like, it is featured at the top of the survey.


~ Nicki

Saturday, January 23, 2021

26 Pebbles Cast List

 Thank you to everyone who auditioned! 

Actor 1       -         Mackenzie Richard
Actor 2       -         Brayden Fanti
Actor 3       -         Nick Corsi
Actor 4       -         Jessica Nordquist
Actor 5       -         Olivia Merritt
Actor 6       -         Myranda Silva

Swing 1      -         Jared Nobrega
Swing 2      -         Alex Sprague
Swing 3      -         Reegan Camire
Swing 4      -         Molly Donovan

Friday, January 22, 2021

Weekly Schedule: January 25 - 31st

 MONDAY, 1/25

Enjoy ACTF !!

There are no rehearsals this week.



12:00pm - Theatre Org Meeting

        Meeting ID: 890 0012 0463 / Passcode: 3q0VaPUR

1:00pm - Technical Theatre Group (TTG) Meeting

        Meeting ID: 894 4874 6419 / Passcode: 36tZ6C1Q


FRIDAY, 1/29

2:00pm - Barbecue Production Mtg


3:00pm - 26 Pebbles Production Mtg



SUNDAY, 1/31

7:00-10:00pm - Barbecue Rehearsal


Tech/Design Meeting

There will be a meeting for Tech/Design students (majors and anyone interested in working on shows this semester in a tech capacity) on Monday, January 25th at 9:30am. 

This will be used to discuss the semester, to discuss the schedule/getting involved, and to talk about 78 practicum assignments. Zoom info for that meeting is below.

Topic: Tech Meeting

Time: Jan 25, 2021 09:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 623 699 2148

Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Reminder: All Theatre Majors/Minors should plan to attend Friday's ALL CALLED Zoom meeting at 1:00pm.

At this meeting we will be discussing this upcoming semester, the spring shows, the updated COVID-19 policies, 78 classes, Theatre Org, TTG, and answering any questions you might have. 

See you there!

78 Practicum Classes (Spring 2021)

We've moved the 78 forms online!

Anyone who is enrolled in 178, 278, 378, or 478 this semester (or who isn't enrolled in a class, but would still like to work on a show) should fill out this online form by Monday at 4:00pm! Thank you.

Monday, January 18, 2021

*UPD Barbecue Rehearsal Schedule 1/19 - 1/21


Rehearsal Schedule 

1/19/21 - 1/21/21

*Updated on 1/20/21

Tuesday, Jan. 19th:
-7PM - 10PM: All Called

Wednesday, Jan. 20th: 
-7PM - 8PM: Barkett, Fleet, Tavares, McGough, Medeiros
-8:30PM - 9:30PM: Quddus, Farley, C-Dina, Cruz, Cabral

Thursday, Jan. 21st:
-7PM: Dina, Tavares (Act 2, BEFORE)

Saturday, January 16, 2021

26 Pebbles Audition Reminder

 Hi everyone, hope you are all ready for the start of the semester!

Just a reminder that auditions for this semester's Growing Stage Production of 26 Pebbles are due Monday. Please be sure to fill out the Google form and email your self-tapes and head shots to Rachel and I after doing so.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing your auditions!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Weekly Schedule: January 18-22

MONDAY, 1/18

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Reminder - Midnight - 26 Pebbles Audition Submission Deadline 


First day of classes!

7:00-10:00pm - Barbecue Rehearsal (Zoom)

        Meeting ID: 375 391 6506

        Passcode: THTR44121


7:00-10:00pm - Barbecue Rehearsal (Zoom)


7:00-10:00pm - Barbecue Rehearsal (Zoom)

FRIDAY, 1/22

1:00pm - ALL CALLED - Theatre Majors / O91 Meeting


2:00pm - Barbecue Production Mtg


3:00pm - 26 Pebbles Production Mtg


Barbecue CAST LIST


Cast List

W. James T. - Perry Barkett 

B. James T. - Yunus Quddus

W. Lillie Anne - Emily Fleet

B. Lilllie Anne - Georgerinna Farley

W. Barbara - Tyler Lynn Tavares

B. Barbara - Angelique Dina

W. Adlean  - Abbie McGough

B. Adlean  - Alondra Cruz

W. Marie - Katelyn Medeiros 

B. Marie - Marie Cabral

Rehearsals begin: Tuesday, January 19th!

Filming: Saturday, February 27th through Sunday, March 7th

Streaming: Weekend of April 16-18th

Script link -

Save the DATE - All Theatre Major Meeting

 Join us for our Welcome Back full Theatre Area meeting on Friday, January 22nd at 1:00pm.

All Theatre Majors (regardless of whether or not you're enrolled in 091) should plan to attend!

At this meeting we will be discussing our updated COVID guidelines, the plan for this semester, and answering as many of your questions as we can!

See you then and welcome back!

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Auditions for BARBECUE

If you haven't already submitted a video for BARBECUE, Aaron is willing to take submissions until this coming Friday! Please see original post for the monologue options and if you have any questions, please ask Nicki or Aaron.


Saturday, January 9, 2021

New Link for 26 Pebbles Audition Form

Hello all -- 

Apparently the google forms link to the Growing Stage production of 26 Pebbles was not working. 

Here is the new link: 

(The link has also been corrected in the original post.)

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Audition Notice -- Growing Stage -- 26 Pebbles


26 Pebbles by Eric Ulloa 

Directed by: Rachel N Terceira 

Audition Information:  

Casting: 4 Females/ 2 Males / 4 Swings 

Trigger Warning: This show discusses the details of the tragic Sandy  Hook Elementary School Massacre. Each character in this show is  connected to the tragedy in some way. Some are parents of students in  the school, some are first responders to the event, and some are the  clergy who endlessly served the community. You must be comfortable  speaking about gun violence, mental health, and the victims of this event.  


1. Please fill out the audition form below:

2. A self-tape of this required monologue

“Twenty-six pebbles. That’s exactly what happened. Each one of those drops in a pond, and you know, it just emanates out. The ripples, the vibrations…'s life. This stuff spreads.” 

3. A self-tape of one monologue below, your choice, please tape in front of a solid background.  

Carrie: My little one had an ear infection, and we had a 9:45 appointment at the doctors office up the street. The doctor came in late and said, “I'm sorry, all of this going on at Sandy Hook.” And then you know he examined my daughter and kinda moved on. So we went to the waiting room, in the meantime, and got another phone call that it was, I think Sandy Hook School. And there were other moms  in the waiting room and it really didn’t dawn on me what was going on until one of the moms said to me,” It’s in the school.” Um, and that’s  when I just kinda thought,”Oh my God.” So um, they just said good luck and I said… 

(she gets choked up and pauses) 

“I got two girls in that school.” 

Yolie: I felt, well maybe I could absorb some of this sadness or maybe I could deflect some of this by just standing in this like, vigil. Sort of like this silent vigil. I woke up and thought, “Oh my god, if this is what my town is now known for, I just couldn’t bare it.” And what was this? I  was compelled and I had this dream and I said, I woke up and I said, “I have to go make a sign. I have to go make a sign and go sit out somewhere.” 

So I called my friend Vicky and said to her, "I'm gonna make a sign and its going to say ’I am love, I am Newtown’ and I'm going to sit at the  highway exit. Exit ten. So that it’s the first thing they see when they  come in and the last thing they see when they leave." So, me and my daughter made this sign. 

Joe: I stood in line for the principal’s funeral and had to miss class. Here I am thinking, “It’s a town away, I'm going to go and pay my respects.” 

I had a card I had prepared, um, to leave for the family, a-a-a note I had written, and I got there a bit late. There were news cameras, that weren’t allowed to be up close, and lots of police, and the line went out the building, around the block, down the coroner and were talking about, like rural blocks. You know, like, a mile, there’s a mile-long line easily, so I went to the end of the line and I stood there with my hands in my pockets freezing my ass off and I wouldn’t leave.  

It's-- that was tough, that was really tough. And I was in and out in less than five minutes and waited in line for more than four hours. But I shook her husband's hand, and there was uh, you know, lots of sadness.  There is no way to-- no other way to put it. 

Darren: Then they said there was a no second shooter and the shooter inside was dead. Um, and they said, they uh, he was --


He was found dead in a classroom, found in a classroom. 

And at that point I, uh,I broke down. I mean, I went out into the yard  and just picked up the first stick I could find and just beat the fuck out of a tree, because I knew that was the worst case, shoo-shoo-shooter killing himself. I knew he didn’t just walk in and shoot himself in front of the  kids. And I- 


Couldn’t imagine- 

(his voice breaks with emotion) 

Why? I knew with that, you know, the information, there was more  then three- 


Him being in the classroom. And the numbers, we just watched in horror, as it went from a handful…to a dozen….twenty. 


And I thought, we’ve topped Columbine.

4. An updated resume and Headshot. *Headshot does not need to be professionally done, just please be sure to include a headshot of you reflecting your current hairstyle/ facial hair, no filters and done with proper lighting please.  

Please submit all required materials no later than January 19th at  midnight. Submissions must be sent to BOTH emails below. 

Callbacks will be held if needed January 21st via zoom.  Cast list will be posted by January 23rd.

Thank you!