Monday, August 31, 2020

Join us Friday at 1:00pm on Zoom! All Theatre Majors/minors

 Shaw, Nicole Brown Frechette is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Welcome Back Theatre Zoom

Time: Sep 4, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 6848 4130

Passcode: 2Bornot2B!

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Meeting ID: 832 6848 4130

Passcode: 4766305985

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Meeting ID: 832 6848 4130

Passcode: 4766305985

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Weekly Preview: 8/31 - 9/4

Monday, 8/31

Classes begin!

Tuesday, 9/1

Wednesday, 9/2

7:00pm - 1st Zoom meeting for Everyman


Thursday, 9/3

7:00pm - 1st Zoom meeting for Laramie Project

7:00pm - Everyman Zoom rehearsal


Friday, 9/4

1:00pm - All Theatre Majors/Minors all-called "Welcome Back" Zoom Meeting 

           Meeting ID: 832 6848 4130 Passcode: 2Bornot2B! 

2:00pm - Everyman Production Mtg (Zoom)

                     Meeting ID: 834 0461 3591 Passcode: 3q0VaPUR

Monday, August 24, 2020

Fall 2020 Production Cast Lists

Hello, RICstar RICsters.

Below are the casts for Everyman (first slot) and The Laramie Project (second slot).

Please note: We will not be able to cast specifically until we know everyone’s conflicts.


Lindsay Ashworth

Perry Barrett

Maria Cabral

Reegan Camire

Alexander Crespo-Rosario

Alondra Cruz

Molly Donovan

Brayden Fanti

Georgerinna Farley

Emma Ferrera

Alex Leblanc

Alyssa Maitoza

Abby McGough

KT Medeiros

Olivia Merritt

Jared Nobrega

Mackenzie Richard

Derek Rivera

Rachel Santagate

Tyler-Lynn Tavares

Everyman: Rehearsals begin with a meeting via Zoom on Wednesday 9/2 at 7pm.

Rehearsals will run Sunday through Thursday evenings from 7-10pm.

Production/Filming Week will be Saturday 9/26 through Sunday 10/4.

(Saturdays from 12-5; every other day 5-10pm.)

 Students who are in Everyman need to do the following

I.      Email Mak Holahan at and

a.     Say yes to participating

b.     submit conflicts

 II.     Attend the first meeting via Zoom on Wednesday 9/2 at 7pm.

We will be discussing the process, the project, the approach – and just how flexible everyone will need to be.


The Laramie Project:

Juliet Antonio

Katherine Barrett

Dylan Bowden

Lillian Brietzke

Sierra Candeias

Nicholas Corsi

Alexander Crespo-Rosario

Scarling Ferrera

Danielle King

Olivia Lancellotti

Madison LaPlante

Aimee Munier

Jessica Nordquist

Daniel O’Donnell

Yunus Quddus

Sammy Schleifer

Myranda Silva

Emma Teves

Matthew Thurson

Eliza Vecchiarelli


The Laramie Project: There will be a meeting via Zoom on Thursday 9/3 at 7pm.

Rehearsals will begin October 5 and run Sunday through Thursday evenings from 7-10pm.

Production/Filming Week will be Saturday November 14 through Sunday November 22.

(Saturdays from 12-5; every other day 5-10pm.)

Students who are in The Laramie Project need to do the following:

Email Julia Paone at and

1.)   accept the part

2.)   submit conflicts

Attend the first meeting via Zoom on Thursday 9/3 at 7pm. We will be discussing the process, the project, the approach – and just how flexible everyone will need to be.


Hello all ~

We're planning to have an all-called Theatre Major/Minor Zoom during the first 091 slot this semester.

Please plan to join us via ZOOM on Friday, 9/4 at 1pm! Link forthcoming!

Thank you,

~ RIC Theatre

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Fall Production Auditions

Hello RICster RICstars -- thank you for all of your audition submissions. Bill Wilson and Casey Seymour Kim will be looking over everyone's submission and will be figuring out casting as well as rehearsal formats over the weekend. That information will be posted on Monday, August 24. This will come as no suprise -- but these productions will look different from our past productions. Circumstances are unusual, but we are excited by the idea of gathering to create Art (even if it means gathering virtually!). Regardless of what roles are cast, we will be looking for ways for everyone to bring their significant skill set to the table--whether you are an actor, designer, mover, dancer, musician, film editor, animator, documentarian, etc. We are interested in everything that you want to bring to the table. More info on Monday! (And if you haven't looked at the post regarding Fall 2020 Class Cancellations, please do!)

Fall Courses and Cancellations

Hello all – Because of lower overall enrollment at RIC, the administration has established that classes will need a higher number of students in order run. As a result, the Theatre department has had a number of courses cancelled. If you are looking for a class to replace a cancelled course, we are presently trying to hold on to the following courses: THTR 217 (Stage Management—with Nicole Frechette Shaw) THTR 228 (Basic Design—with Katryne Hecht) THTR 411 (Technical Direction—with Alan Pickart) THTR 418 (Scenic Painting – with Katryne Hecht) A specific word about Technical Direction and Scenic Painting: THTR 411 is Technical Direction, with a major component being video and green screen design. THTR 418 is Scenic Painting, which is looking to design a mural for the Alumni hall outside of Sapinsley. And of course, both Stage Management and Basic Design teach vital skills that would benefit any theatre major. You don’t need the pre-requisites to take these courses – just let Bill Wilson know if you wish to sign up. (!!Please do it FAST – we must cancel more classes on Friday!!)

Monday, August 17, 2020

Audition Submission Reminder!

Hello all! Just a gentle reminder that audition submissions are due tomorrow. (Thank you to all who have already submitted your work!) As you know, this semester is going to be unusual--and our Fall productions are going to reflect that. :) Rehearsals will be both remote and in-person, observing socially-distant protocols). We will not be anticipating in-person performances. If you have any question or concerns about the proposed process. If you have had any trouble with sending us links to your video or downloading anything, please let us know. A reminder to send your submissions to: Nicole Frechette Shaw at Casey Seymour Kim at Bill Wilson at Thank you!

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Workshop Hosted by Alum!

Alumnus David Coury '81 is hosting Making Your Words Matter on Thursday, August 27th! David was a theater major at RIC. His workshop is free for anyone that signs up. Initially preference will be given to alum, but then it will be open to everyone.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Fall 2020 Courses

Dear Theatre Students:
We hope that you are all well and are having a good summer.  As the fall semester approaches, we will be sharing updates with you from the RIC Administration regarding our department, as we receive them.
The following courses in the Fall 2020 semester have been tentatively approved as a combination of in-person and remote instruction. (When these courses meet in-person, they will meet in one of the campus theaters, with appropriate, state mandated precautions.)
THTR 120-01: Acting I-Improvisation
THTR 121-01: Acting II-Movement
THTR 223-01: Acting III-Technique and Scene Study
THTR 242-01: Acting for Non-Majors
THTR 242-02: Acting for Non-Majors
THTR 322-01: Acting V-Advanced Technique and Scene Study
THTR 346-01: Musical Theatre Performance
and Pending Approval: THTR 418-01: Scenic Painting
All other theatre courses will be offered remotely.
We will provide further details as we learn them.
In the meantime, if you have questions, please email any one of us, at any time, and we will be happy to help you.
Stay safe,
The Theatre Faculty

Monday, August 3, 2020

Open to all students!

Initial Approval for an on campus Mural has been given, and while the complexities are still being worked out, the best way for us as a department and community to continue is to produce this public work in the Scenic Painting class- In person.

Our only current given parameters are that the end result must represent all departments in the building- Theatre, Dance and Music. ANY STUDENT FROM ANY BACKGROUND is highly encouraged to sign up and participate. The Scenic Painting class will be a completely different format than it typically is and while it will include the painting and execution of the images it may also include the following:

Lighting design and install.
film and photography.
graphic and content design.
Planning and oversight.
Budget and proposals.

The end goal/ result may even have performative elements. With complete transparency we don't know much about what this will be, but as a department we are interested in pioneering new ways to engage with students and produce design and performance portfolio worthy work.

If any of the above is interesting to you please sign up for scenic painting, even if you have taken it before.