This is an unusual request--but hey, we're unusual. A Film class is studying what early film-going experiences was like -- namely, the Nickelodeon.
What Is Happening: The Film class is setting up and showing short films from 1908 in the Little Theater on November 29 from 6-8pm. This means setting up a canvas screen across the proscenium 'arch' of the Little Theatre, setting up wooden chairs, 'selling tickets for a nickel' at the entrance way, screening the shows, and showcasing little acts between the screenings--in essence, creating as close to an accurate environment of the original showings as possible as.
What They Need from Us: They need roughly 6 actors (3 men,3 women) to help create this environment: one person to "sell tickets"; one person to pretend to play the piano (as the scoring to the silent movies they're showing -- you would be just miming playing the piano); other people to perform acts between the short films. (In the past, in order to give the projector a chance to cool down between screenings, people from the community would get up and read a poem, sing a song, make a political speech, etc., etc. These acts would be completely scripted by the Film students -- you do not need to memorize them at all.) Costumes are provided.
What "Rehearsals" Would Be: The Film students would love to meet with you by Halloween -- just to meet up and say hello and talk about what they're preparing. Then there is a brief, 2-hour rehearsal (if that) on Thursday, November 15th. The Performance is on Thursday, November 29th.
This is a low-stress, easy gig--minimal prep and this class really needs our help.
Also -- it is a great opportunity for our two departments to start working with and getting to know each other!
Joe Wilson, Jr. is coming to talk to our theater students about his experiences as an understudy for The Iceman Cometh (ahem, with Denzel Washington) on Broadway! He'll be visiting us on Wednesday, October 24, at 12:15, as part of the
Theater Org meeting. In the Little Theater.
Joe is a big presence in the local theater scene, but is also a big presence in the national regional theater scene, for his work combining community engagement and activism with theater projects. In this vein, he will also talk about America,Too, which is a project Trinity Theater is hosting as a way to address different issues regarding homelessness in RI and the US.
Be there or Be Square!
This is a theater event that was begun as a national artistic response to the shooting of Trayvon Martin and other young black men (the event was called "Every 28 Hours"). The project has continued as an opportunity to use theater to address and engage with topics that are of social, political, and economic concern.
This year, the issue being addressed is Homelessness and affordable Housing. Different local playwrights will be writing short, 5-10 minute plays that address the issue in some form. Interested performers will show up to Trinity at 5pm; plays will be cast quickly, then rehearsed, then presented to the community at 7pm. No preparation is needed.
If you are interested in participating as an actor, email Rebecca Noon at and go to Trinity Rep downtown (201 Washington
Street, Providence 02903) at 5pm. If you just want to attend the show, go to the theater around 6pm to get a seat.
It is an exciting and inspiring event. Trinity has gained national attention for its participating and development of this project -- another reason to be proud of Little Rhode Island!
Casey SK