
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Theatre Meeting Notes

Hello all ~

Below are the notes from today's meeting. Thank you to everyone who attended!

- If you did not, please check out the Handbook section of this callboard, read it and sign the last 3 forms. These forms should be turned into Nicki by Friday.

- Everyone also needs to see Sue starting next Wednesday to pick up their punch card.

Thank you!

RIC Theatre Area Meeting

Fall 2018

* First Theatre Org meeting is today at 1:00pm!
9 September                             Auditions for Growing Stage: When We Were Young…
12 September                           AUDITIONS FOR THEATRE PERFORMANCE MAJORS
16 September                           AUDITIONS FOR MUSICAL THEATRE MAJORS &            SHOWS
                                                            Quilters & The Rocky Horror Picture Show
19 September                           Callbacks for upcoming musical Mainstage shows
26-30 September                     CHERRY ORCHARD on Mainstage
14-18 November                     QUILTERS on Mainstage
30 Nov – 2 December             WHEN WE WERE YOUNG AND UNAFRAID on Growing Stage
2 December                             Auditions for THE MARRIAGE OF BETTE & BOO
3 December                             Spring registration begins for non-degree graduate students
7 January                                 Rehearsals THE MARRIAGE OF BETTE & BOO begin
3 Feburary                               Auditions for Growing Stage: Baby Go Blind…
20-24  February                                   THE MARRIAGE OF BETTE & BOO on Mainstage
11-14 April                              ROCKY HORROR on Mainstage
28 April                                   Auditions for Mainstage Fall show
3-5 May                                   BABY GO BLIND on the Growing Stage

Follow the Callboard (or check it regularly!)
- Scroll to the bottom of the main page and enter your email address into the “Follow by Email” box and follow the prompts.
- Once you sign up, you’ll get one email a day that summarizes the posts made that day to the board. Make sure it doesn’t end up in your spam folder!

- Read the updated handbook that will be emailed to you and sign the 3 forms at the back of the handbook. Please turn those in to Nicki no later than Friday 8/31 by 4pm
- Social media – Why do we have a confidentiality agreement?
- Follow & check the callboard!
- Check your RIC email.
- Declare yourself as a theatre major if you haven’t already and make sure you’re on our list!
- Sold out means sold out!! No one can sneak friends into shows and you must reimburse your free ticket voucher in advance. A voucher does not guarantee you a seat!
- Do not bring valuables to the theatre! Items of importance/value should not be left unattended in the dressing rooms.
- Everyone must wear shoes outside of classrooms/dance studio/dressing rooms/theatres!
- Let’s keep this building clean!
- Please do not sit on props/furniture outside of blocking. This includes before and after rehearsal (for example when directors give notes)

As a Rhode Island College student, we expect that your first priority will be the productions at RIC.  For all performers, it is required that you will audition for all 4 RIC Mainstage productions.  If you do and are not cast, you may notify the Managing Director of Theatre (in writing) for permission to audition for an off-campus production. For technicians and designers, priority must be given to on campus productions. Outside work must be approved ahead of time by Chris and Alan.

Attendance at all RIC Theatre events is mandatory, regardless of whether or not you are performing, including Mainstage and Growing Stage performances.  Attending performances is part of your education!
All students must attend the following 10 events:
·         Fall Welcome Meeting
·         Open dress for all 4 Mainstage shows, and the 2 Growing Stage shows
·         Spring Welcome Meeting
·         The ACTF send off
·         Senior Showcase on campus

Courses are organized on a principal of student growth through active participation.  Lectures and assignments are carefully placed throughout the semester to aid the acquisition of knowledge and understanding.  Therefore, attendance and participation are expected at all class meetings.  All assignments must be handed in on time.  No make-ups will be allowed without prior instructor approval. For a class that meets twice a week, the final grade will be lowered by a full letter grade if the number of absences exceeds two. For a class that meets once a week, the final grade will be lowered by a full letter grade if the number of absences exceeds one. There are no excused absences and incompletes will only be given in accordance with college policies.

WHAT IS THTR 178, 278, 378 AND 478? WHAT IS THTR 091? And how do they work?
Questions on this? Talk to Chris Abernathy!

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