
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Crew Needed for HOBA

 Hi all!

We are currently looking for people to fill the following roles for the Growing Stage Production of The House of Bernarda Alba! If you are interested please reach out to Emily at


-Light Board Operator

-Sound Board Operator

(No prior experience needed)


We will have a dog in our production, we will need someone to be with the dog in the dressing rooms/backstage (when it is time for her to go on) to keep an eye on her/take care of her. The dog is a maltipoo named Nora.


Our hair and makeup designer Maddie Laplante will need assistance with hair and makeup during the run of the show. You'd be helping with, taking care of wigs, hair styles, and makeup. We need at least 1 or 2 more people. Feel free to also reach out to Maddie at!

Load in/Tech/Show dates that you will be needed for:

4/24/22 LOAD IN

(Time TBD)

4/25/22 TECH


4/26/22 TECH


4/27/22 TECH


4/28/22 OPEN DRESS

Cast and crew called at 6pm

Open dress at 7:30pm

4/29/22 SHOW #1

Cast and crew called at 6pm

Show #1 at 7:30pm

4/30/22 SHOW #2

Cast and crew called at 6pm

Show #2 at 7:30pm

5/1/22 SHOW #3

Cast and crew called at 12:30pm

Show #3 at 2pm

HOBA Rehearsal Schedule 3/30/22

 HOBA Rehearsal 3/30/22


-Myranda called for line work.


-Maddie called.

-Act 3 opening scene with Myranda and Maddie.


-Olivia called.

-Maddie dismissed.

-Scene work with Myranda and Olivia.


-Olivia dismissed.

-Scene and line work with Myranda.


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Cabaret open dress

The link to reserve your spot for the theatre major open dress of Cabaret is below! This event is free, but please register to attend in advance! Registration will stop at 7pm the night of the open rehearsal.

Open dress is Wednesday, April 6th at 7:30pm. Please note: Masks will be required in the audience.

Come support your fellow students and enjoy the show!

Monday, March 28, 2022

HOBA Rehearsal Schedule Monday 3/28/22

 HOBA Rehearsal Monday 3/28/22


 CALLED Sage, Maddie, Olivia M.  


CALLED Myranda. 

DISMISSED: Sage, Maddie, Olivia M.


Weekly Schedule: 3/27 - 4/3

 SUNDAY, 3/27

7:00-10:00pm- Cabaret Rehearsal 

7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal

MONDAY, 3/28

7:00-10:00pm- Cabaret Rehearsal (Run of Act 2 at 8pm)

7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal


7:00-10:00pm - Cabaret Rehearsal

7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal


7:00-10:00pm - Cabaret Rehearsal  (Run of Act 1 at 8:30pm)

7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal 


7:00-10:00pm - Cabaret Rehearsal 


2:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba - production meeting (Zoom)

        Meeting ID: 834 0461 3591

        Passcode: 3q0VaPUR

3:00pm - Cabaret production meeting (Zoom)

        Meeting ID: 861 1598 3034

        Passcode: WtZ70bFc

4:00-7:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal


9:00a-12:00p - Cabaret sitz probe

12:00pm - Lunch break

1:00-6:00pm - Cabaret Tech # 1


5:00-10:00pm - Cabaret Tech # 2

7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal 

Sunday, March 27, 2022

HOBA Rehearsal Schedule for Sunday 3/27/22

 HOBA Rehearsal 3/27/22

7:00PM: Pages 14-18

CALLED: Maddie, Olivia M, Sage

8:30pm-9:00pm: Pages 45-46 

CALLED: Myranda and Maddie

DISMISSED: Olivia M and Sage


CALLED: Myranda


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Applications to direct on the Growing Stage next year....

Applications to direct on the Growing Stage next year.... are now available! We'll be choosing two individuals to lead design teams as director, one for the Fall of 2022 and one for Spring 2023. Please email Nicki at to receive your application!

Applications are due back into Nicki by April 15th!

Thank you and let us know if you have any questions!

Monday, March 21, 2022

Casting Call for Student Movie: "Hair, Skin, and Nails"

 Dr Grietzer received the following email and forwarded it to our Theatre program:


My name is Sydney Treanor and I am a student at URI casting for a project entitled “Hair, Skin, and Nails”. We are looking for college aged actors and actresses in the area looking for more acting experience, and I was wondering if there is any way we might be able to post a casting call in your theater department in case anyone is interested. Please let me know, and I have included the details below. Thank you! 


Casting URI Student film ‘Hair, Skin, and Nails’”. Looking for college-aged actors/actresses for a three part short film that shows how micro aggressions affect women of color. Please email with a headshot and/or reels for more information!

Crew still needed

We are still looking for one if not two crew members for CABARET

We need one person who's not afraid of heights!

Please let Nicki know ASAP if you or someone you know might be interested!



Saturday, 4/2

9-12pm - Sitz Probe (Sound and SM team only)

12pm - Lunch break

1-6pm - Tech # 1

Sunday, 4/3

5-10pm - Tech # 2 

Monday, 4/4

6-11pm - Dress # 1 

Tuesday, 4/5

6-11pm - Dress # 2 

Wednesday, 4/6

6-11pm - Open Dress # 3 7:30pm start time


Thursday, 4/7

5:30pm call, 7:30pm Performance

Friday, 4/8

5:30pm call, 7:30pm Performance

Saturday, 4/9

11:00am call, 1:00pm Performance

5:30pm call, 7:30pm Performance

Sunday, 4/10

12:00pm call, 2:00pm Performance

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Cabaret Rehearsal Schedule 3/20 - 3/26

 SUNDAY 3/20 

7:00 PM - Choreo "Kick Line Number" (II-1) with GEL

MONDAY 3/21 

7:00 PM - Choreo "Kick Line Number" (II-1) with GEL


7:00 PM - Choreo "If You Could See Her" (II-3) with GEL


7:00 PM - Blocking Scene II-5 with BILL

8:00 PM - Blocking Scene II-7 with BILL


7:00 PM - Review / Work Act One 

 FRIDAY 3/25 

4:00 PM - Run Act One


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM - Reserved Day

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Mask Update

Hello all Theatre Students!

The pandemic years have presented a number of challenges -- and we must thank you for your flexibility, patience, and humor as we've pivoted and adjusted and made accommodations to keep everyone safe.

As you know, the campus-wide mandate has been adjusted somewhat, but many suggestions remain in place.

One of our biggest hopes is that we would be able to finish our season with live, unmasked performances.

Presently, we are planning to proceed with performing unmasked, following industry standards that have been employed on professional stages across the country: onstage will be unmasked; off stage, masked.

Rehearsals will be run along these parameters as well: 

When working, actors may occasionally remove masks. 

When not working, actors must remain masked.

We have arrived at this policy to avoid three possible scenarios:

1.) that a student gets ill and cannot participate in the show

2.) that enough students become infected so that we must return to masked performances

3.) that a number of cast members fall ill and we must cancel the production.

Please note that if a cast member wishes to remain masked for performance, they may do so.

We understand that performers and crew may well have courses in which being masked is optional. 

Our hope is that cast and crew of both Cabaret and House of Bernarda Alba make responsible choices so that we can have a straight-forward and healthy production week for both shows.

We are strongly encouraging mask-wearing in theatre classes, with the possible exception of people who are working and/or observing social distancing.

Thank you all so much and have a safe and happy weekend!

Weekly Schedule: 3/20 to 3/26

SUNDAY, 3/20

7:00-10:00pm- Cabaret Rehearsal 

7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal (Room 188)

MONDAY, 3/21

7:00-10:00pm- Cabaret Rehearsal 

7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal


7:00-10:00pm - Cabaret Rehearsal

7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal


1:00pm - Theatre Org Meeting (Little Theatre)

1:00pm - TTG Meeting (Tech Classroom - Guest speaker: Tim Wrobel)

        * Please RSVP to Nicki if you plan to attend!

7:00-10:00pm - Cabaret Rehearsal 

7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal 


7:00-10:00pm - Cabaret Rehearsal 

FRIDAY, 3/25

2:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba - production meeting (Zoom)

        Meeting ID: 834 0461 3591

        Passcode: 3q0VaPUR

3:00pm - Cabaret production meeting (Zoom)

        Meeting ID: 861 1598 3034

        Passcode: WtZ70bFc

4:00-7:00pm - Cabaret Rehearsal 

4:00-7:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal


9:00-4:00pm - Cabaret rehearsal 

HOBA Rehearsal Schedule 3/20/22-3/25/22

 Week Two (3/20-3/25):

SUN 3/20 (p:22-25)

  • NOT CALLED: Molly, Lindsey, Abby, Liv, Olivia, Sage, Maddie (If you are released early and have enough energy, you may come!)
  • CALLED at 7pm: Sammy, Mackenzie, Myranda.

MON 3/21: (p:27-31)

  • NOT CALLED: Molly, Lindsey, Abby, Liv, Sammy (If you are released early and have enough energy, you may come!)
  • CALLED at 7pm: Maddie, Olivia, Sage, Myranda, Mackenzie.

  • TUES 3/22 (p: 25-27, p34-36)

    • CALLED AT 7PM: Mackenzie and Lindsey.
    • CALLED at 8:30pm: ALL

    WED 3/23 (p: 37-39)

    • NOT CALLED: Mackenzie and Sammy
    • CALLED AT 7PM: ALL except Mackenzie and Sammy
    • RELEASED AT 8PM: all in II-7 of CABARET.


    • NOT CALLED: Molly, Lindsey, Abby, Liv, Sammy (If you are released early and have enough energy, you may come!)
    • CALLED AT 4PM: Maddie, Sage, Myranda, Olivia

      Wednesday, March 16, 2022

      RI Shakespeare Rep -- Midsummer Night Production Info

      Christin Goff, director of RI Shakespeare Rep (and guest director at RIC) has sent information about a RISR's summer production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream", for any student who may be interested in participating:

      First is a reading of the Midsummer Night's Dream script (just a read-through to hear the edits): 

      Tuesday, 3/22, 7 pm. at Aldrich House, 110 Benevolent Street, Providence 

      (According to Christin, any students who want some practice reading or listening to Shakespeare are welcome.) 

      Second, they are accepting audition materials for this same production, now through April 15 (all parts open). 

      **Our own Mak Holahan and alumnus Clay Thompson are working on this production! Yay!**

      Many rehearsals will be online, especially in the beginning, with in-person rehearsals starting in late June. 
      The production will play one weekend in mid August, outdoors, East side of Providence. 

      Per Christin, this would be "a great way to get some experience with Shakespeare without an enormous amount of driving, production time, or class interruption!"   

      Anyone interested can write to Christin at 

      Monday, March 14, 2022

      National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) - Student Outreach

       For First Year and Senior students - 

      Tomorrow, RIC will be sending you an email about the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) - Student Outreach. Please take the time to fill out the survey if you can! Students who respond to the survey will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card, which 20 students will win.


      Sunday, March 13, 2022

      HOBA Rehearsal Schedule 3/14/22-3/18/22

      The House of Bernarda Alba Week One Rehearsal Schedule 

      WEEK ONE (3/14-3/18):

      MON 3/14 7PM-10PM: (p.5-11)

      • NOT CALLED: Mackenzie, Molly, Lindsey, Abby, Liv

      • CALLED at 7PM: Sammy and Maddie
      • CALLED at 8:30pm Myranda, Olivia M, Sage

      TUES 3/15 7PM-10PM: (p.11-14)

      • CALLED at 7PM: Sammy, Maddie, Olivia M, Sage, Liv, Molly, Mackenzie

      • CALLED at 8:30PM: Myranda, Lindsey, Abby

      WEDS 3/16 7PM-10PM: (p.14-21)

      • ALL CALLED

      FRI 3/18 4PM-7PM: (RUN PONCIA SCENES and CHECK STAGINING FOR DAUGHTERS, overtime for other scenes)

      • NOT CALLED: Molly, Lindsey, Abby, Liv (If you are released early and have enough energy, you may come!)

      • CALLED at 7PM: Sammy, Maddie, Myranda, Olivia M, Sage, Mackenzie

      All in the Timing: KCATCF

      Last month, on February 18, Adam Zahler, of Worcester State University, responded to our production of "All in the Timing"on behalf of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival.

      In addition to great feedback and praise for the entire evening, we have received official notice from Professor Zahler that Brayden Fanti has been recommended as our Irene Ryan nominee for this production.

      Congratulations to the entire Cast and Crew -- and congratulations, Brayden!!

      Theatre Conference Internship Opportunity

      The American Alliance for Theatre and Education is holding its annual conference in Providence, RI.

      Dates: July 27 - 31, 2022

      They are seeking interns to help run the conference. For more information and details, go to their website:

      Application Deadline: April 29, 2022

      Friday, March 11, 2022

      Weekly Schedule: 3/13 - 3/19

      SUNDAY, 3/13

      Daylight Savings - Spring forward!

      7:00-10:00pm- Cabaret Rehearsal 

      MONDAY, 3/14

      7:00-10:00pm- Cabaret Rehearsal 

      7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal (Room 188)

      TUESDAY, 3/15

      7:00-10:00pm - Cabaret Rehearsal

      7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal (Room 188)

      WEDNESDAY, 3/16

      7:00-10:00pm - Cabaret Rehearsal 

      7:00-10:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal (Room 188)

      THURSDAY, 3/17

      St. Patrick's Day!

      7:00-10:00pm - Cabaret Rehearsal 

      FRIDAY, 3/18

      2:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba - production meeting (Zoom)


              Meeting ID: 834 0461 3591

              Passcode: 3q0VaPUR

      3:00pm - Cabaret production meeting (Zoom)


              Meeting ID: 861 1598 3034

              Passcode: WtZ70bFc

      4:00-7:00pm - Cabaret Rehearsal 

      4:00-7:00pm - The House of Benarda Alba Rehearsal (Room 188)

      SATURDAY, 3/19

      - Possible Cabaret rehearsal - TBA

      Friday, March 4, 2022

      RIC Theatre Promo

      Hey all!

      Dave created a great promo video for our program - check out his creativity on Facebook and feel free to share the video with friends, family, and anyone who might want to join us at RIC next year!

      Also, enjoy your spring break!