
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Stage Management

Here are the SM teams for the fall shows!! Let me know if you have any questions!

Slot 1: Much ADO
SM - Mak Holahan
ASMs - Julia Paone & Tasha Maximin Laforce

Slot 2: Title TBD
SM - Nour Shabo
ASMs - Tae Sarnecky & Emily Caprio
GS1: Good Friday
SM - Anthony Dempsey

~ Nicki

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Congratulations to the entire cast & crew for their work on

Here are the ACTF nominations:

Irene Ryan: Lindsey Ashworth

Anthony Dempsey (Lighting), Zach Medina (Sound), Marie Sylvester (Costumes - paper presentation) and Makayla Holahan (Stage Manager)

Michael Greene (director) has been invited to apply for the Directors workshop at ACTF.
(He should submit application by November.)

Certificates of Merit:
  • Emma Impagliazzo for Props
  • Too Much Light Running Crew (Daniel O'Donnell, Jared Nobrega, and David Connors)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

091 Cards

Alan will be collecting 091 cards at the Senior Showcase! If you are not attending, cards can be dropped off to Nicki (via her mailbox or under her office door).


Growing Stage 2019-2020 Season

Thank you to everyone who applied to participate! Chosen directors should get in touch with Casey about upcoming deadlines.

Growing Stage, Fall 2019
Good Friday by Remson DeJoseph
Directed by Audrey Crawley
Show dates: December 13-15, 2019
Design team deadline: 6/1/19
Ground plan due: 9/2/19
Auditions: 9/22/19
Rehearsals begin: 10/21/19

Growing Stage, Spring 2020
I and You by Lauren Gunderson
Directed by Alexander Crespo-Rosario
Show dates: May 8-10, 2020
Design team deadline: 9/2/19
Ground plan due: 12/1/19
Auditions: 12/8/19
Rehearsals begin: TBA

Summer Work

College Light Opera Company in Falmouth, MA still needs people for their costume/stage crews.

Here is the link to the application. Housing is included and it would be a total of 9 shows. 

MTD Shirts

Hello all ~

The 2nd round of MTD shirts are in and available for pick up in my office (Naz 135).
Shirts are $5 for sizes XS-XL and $7for XXL.

Here's my office schedule for this week:
Today - Now to 4pm
Thursday - 12-2pm
Friday - 9-11am

If none of those times work for you, email me and we can set something up!

~ Nicki

Monday, May 6, 2019


Monday, May 6

7:00-9:00 PM      Meeting with Workshop Participants (Little Theatre)

                                Music Rehearsal for Saturday (This Is Me/Carefully Taught)


Tuesday, May 7

8:45                        Andrea Vargas 

9:30                        Jon Klos

10:15                     Alyssa Maitoza

11:00                     Kate Hallal          

11:45                     Samantha King

12:30                     LUNCH

1:15                        Brooklyn Toli

2:15                        Emily Healy

3:00                        Michaela Pendola

3:50                        Maria Cabral                                      

4:35                        Crespo Rosario

5:15                        Taylor Santoro


Wednesday, May 8

8:45                        Jen Nardi

9:30                        Matt Fagan

10:15                     Emma Teves     

11:00                     Marisa Rebelo

11:45                     Perry Barkette

12:30                     Lindsey Ashworth

1:15-2:15              LUNCH

2:15                        Audrey Crawley               

3:00                        Jackie Steen

3:45                        Dylan Bowden

4:30                        Doug Morgan

5:15                        Madison Rea

Thursday, May 9              




11:00     Emily Fleet         

11:45     Tyler-Lynn Tavares         

12:30     Matt Thureson 

2:00        Rehearsal with Beckie with Musical Theatre Company

7:00-9:00 PM      Cabaret with Beckie (performance of Songs)       


Friday, May 10
2:00 PM Rehearsal for Saturday Performance with Musical Theatre Company

Saturday, May 11
7:30 Performance






(in order of appearance)


Leonata                                               Audrey Crawley

Messenger                                          Samantha King

Beatrice                                              Madison Rea

Hero                                                    Kat McLaughlin

Don Pedro                                           Dylan Bowden

Benedick                                             Jonathan Klos

Don John                                             Michael Greene

Claudio                                                Jared Nobrega

Antonia                                                Autumn Jefferson

Conrade                                              Perry Barkett

Borachio                                              Brayden Fanti

Margaret                                            Lindsey Ashworth

Ursula                                                  Olivia Merritt

Server                                                  Daniel O'Donnell

*Bathazar 1                                         Emily Healey

*Bathazar 2                                         Jaclyn Steen

Dogberry                                             Francis Brissette

Verges                                                 Maeve Hannan

First Watch                                          Juliet Antonio

Second Watch                                     Emma Teves

Third Watch (George Seacoal)          Daniel O'Donnell

Friar Frances                                       Andrea Vargas

Sexton                                                 Georgerinna Farley



*Balthazar is a ‘singing/acrobat act,’with identical costumes that moves about the hotel as a pair.

**those who appear in Act II will be hotel employees/guests in Act I.

- Cast members: Please check your email and respond to Nicki and Christin that you've seen all the information! Thank you.

Saturday, May 4, 2019


Much Ado About Nothing - Callback List

Michael Greene
Perry Barkett
Jared Nobrega
Dylan Bowden
Brayden Fanti
Francis Brissette
Daniel O’Donnell
Jon Klos
Kat McLaughlin
Lindsey Ashworth
Madison Rea
Maeve Hannan
Samantha King
Audrey Crawley
Autumn Jefferson
Georgerinna Farley
Jaclyn Steen
Emily Healey
Andrea Vargas
Olivia Merritt
Emma Teves

Callbacks will be tomorrow, May 5th from 7PM-10PM in the Little Theatre!

Thank you to everyone who auditioned! I am so glad that you all came out and did your best!
- Christin

Friday, May 3, 2019

TML Show Schedule

Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind
Show Schedule

Friday, May 3rd: 5:30PM-9:00PM

Cast Called: 5:30 PM

Begin Run: 7PM

Saturday, April 30th: 5:30PM-9:00PM

Cast Called: 5:30 PM

Begin Run:  7PM

Sunday, May 1st: 12:00PM-3:30PM

Cast Called: 12:00 PM

Begin Run: 2 PM

3:30PM to 5:30PM

Weekly Preview - May 4-May 13th

- To anyone who recently ordered an MTD shirt, they anticipate they'll be arriving on Tuesday, May 7th!
- Auditions for Much Ado About Nothing are happening this weekend!
- Alan will be collecting your punch cards at the Senior Showcase on May 13th.
- Beckie Menzie's Performing Arts series performance is happening this week. If you're involved, please see Bill for scheduling information. She is also offering private coaching this week.

12:00-4:00pm - Auditions for Much Ado About Nothing  (Little Theatre)
7:30pm - Baby Go Blind performance
9:00pm - Much Ado About Nothing  Callback List posted to callboard!

2:00pm - Baby Go Blind  performance
7:00-10:00pm - Much Ado About Nothing call backs (Little Theatre)

- Scripts for Much Ado About Nothing are available from Sue in the MTD office.
7:30pm - Jazz Band performance (Sapinsley)

7:30pm - Opera Workshop performance (Forman)



FRIDAY, 5/10
?? - Rehearsal for Better Two-Gether

- Commencement
7:30pm - Better Two-Gether performance (Sapinsley)

SUNDAY, 5/12
Mother's Day

MONDAY, 5/13
7:30pm - Senior Showcase performance (Sapinsley)
- Punch cards will be collected at this event!

Work Opportunities!

Trinity Rep is currently looking for PA (Production Assistants) - Check out this link for more info!

Theatre by the Sea is also looking for an Assistant Company Manager
Full job details can be found at!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Special Talent Awards

Here is the final schedule for the Special Talent Awards and Tech/Design 091s

TECH / DESIGN - THURSDAY, MAY 2nd (Tech Classroom)
10:00am – Chris Ames
10:15am – Julia Paone
10:30am – Alex Sprague
10:45am – Emily Caprio
11-11:30am - Break
11:30am – Domenic Arlia
11:45am – Emma Impagliazzo
12:00p – Nour Shabo
12:20pm – Marie Sylvester
12:35-1:10pm - Break
1:10pm – Mak Holahan
1:25pm – Anthony Dempsey
1:40 – Tae Sarnecky
2pm – Eliza McCann
2:15pm – Madisen Armenti
2:30 – Zoe Desousa
2:45pm – Mike Perry
3pm – Zack Medina
TECH / DESIGN - TUESDAY, MAY 7th (Tech Classroom)
10:30am – Dave Connors
10:45am - Evan Dwyer
GENERAL / PERFORMANCE / M. T.  - FRIDAY, MAY 3rd at 1:00p (Room 188)
Performance at 1:00pm
  1. 1:00pm - Brayden Fanti
  2. 1:10pm - Georgerinna Farley
  3. 1:20pm - Olivia Merritt
  4. 1:30pm - Emily Healey
  5. 1:40pm - Jared Nobrega
  6. 1:50pm – Daniel O’Donnell

Musicals at 2:30pm
  1. 2:30pm - Maria Cabral
  2. 2:35pm – Emily Fleet
  3. 2:40pm – Tyler-Lynn Tavares
  4. 2:45pm – Dylan Bowden
  5. 2:50pm - Andrea Vargas
  6. 3:00pm – Michaela Pendola
  7. 3:05pm – Alyssa Maitoza
  8. 3:10pm - Lindsey Ashworth
  9. 3:15pm – Autumn Jefferson
  10. 3:20pm - Elijah Swain
  11. 3:25pm – Perry Barkett
  12. 3:30pm – Kate Hallal
  13. 3:35pm – Doug Morgan