
Wednesday, December 30, 2015

GODSPELL - Upcoming Schedule


SUN         1/3          12:00-8:00 PM                   DANCE STUDIO
MON       1/4          5:30-10:00 PM                    DANCE STUDIO
TUE         1/5          5:30-10:00 PM                   DANCE STUDIO
WED        1/6          5:30-10:00 PM                   DANCE STUDIO
THU         1/7          5:30-10:00 PM                   DANCE STUDIO
FRI           1/8          5:30-10:00 PM                   DANCE STUDIO
SAT          1/9          10:00-10:00                        DANCE STUDIO

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Check out the GODSPELL Tab for scheduling info on the upcoming blocking rehearsals, tech, performance at RIC, and conference trip!!

MUSIC REHEARSALS in the dance studio
Today - 12:30-4pm
Friday - 4-6pm 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

PICNIC Script Reminder

Hey everyone!
If you haven't already, don't forget to pick up your script in the MTD office before our read-through tomorrow (12/14)

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

PICNIC cast list


(Please sign to accept your role on the copy at the MTD office)


Michaela NerneyFlo Owens


Gabrielle McCauleyMadge Owens

Understudy – Sarah Reed


Michelle CardozaMillie Owens

Understudy - Heron Kennedy


Nick D’AmicoAlan Seymour

Understudy – Ian Pedroza


Casey McKeanHal Carter

Understudy - Victor Neto


Shelbi EscobarHelen Potts

Understudy – Nora Garron


Helena TafuriRosemary Sydney


Jonathan KlosHoward Bevans

Understudy - Ryan Field


Sarah ReedIrma Kronkite


Nora GarronChristine Schoenwalder


Ian PedrozaBomber Gutzel


Congratulations Everyone!!


Monday, Dec. 14th at 7:30-10:30 pm 
The Little Theatre

To the Call-Back Students
Elizabeth Souin
Aaron Blanck
Remson DeJoseph
Stephanie Barney
Mia Ceglie
Esi Mensah
Anthony Vega
Lauren Pothier
Ava Mascena
Jack Clarke
Cassi Kacoyannakis
Grace Chenot
JacQuan Stanley
Andy Jimeniz
Ryan Pensavalle
You gave 100% energy, focus and support to each other throughout the
entire call-back process and were truly collaborative.
I hope that I will have the opportunity to work with all of you again.
Linda Sutherland, Guest Director

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

PICNIC Callbacks


Thank you all for such an incredible turnout for auditions!

Here are those students called back for
Tuesday, December 8, at 7:30 pm
The Little Theatre

Elizabeth Souin
Casey McKean
Shelbi Escobar
Aaron Blanck
Esi Mensah
Lauren Pothier
Remson DeJoseph
Ryan Field
Ricky Pannone
Stephanie Barney
Helena Tafuri
Michaela Nerney
Mia Ceglie
Jonathan Klos
Victor Neto
Ian Pedroza
Nick D’Amico
Gabrielle McCauley
Heron Kennedy
Anthony Vega
Nora Garron
Ava Mascena
Michelle Cardoza
Jack Clarke
Cassi Kacoyannakis
Grace Chenot
JacQuan Stanley
Andy Jimeniz
Ryan Pensavalle

* Please be sure that you read PICNIC.
* Individual character monologues and scenes between characters will be available for you to review.
* Please read and familiarize. You do NOT have to these memorize monologues or scenes.
* You will find monologues and scenes in packets at the Music, Theatre, and Dance Department with Sue Dubois. Packets may be borrowed for half hour increments.
* Monologues and scenes will also be available for you at Callbacks.


Monday, December 7, 2015

Technical Theatre 091 Sign up

Please email Nicki at to be added to the list!!

12:00pm - Branigan

12:15pm - Anastasia

12:30pm - Mike

12:45pm - Matt

1:00pm - Jena

1:15pm - Lauren

1:30pm - Jordyn

1:45pm -Tori

Wednesday, November 18, 2015



For The Third Show of the Mainstage Season
Written by William Inge
Directed by Linda Sutherland

December 7th (Monday) 7:30 – 10:30 PM
(Auditioners please arrive at 7:30PM NO TIME SLOTS SIGN UP)
The Little Theatre
CALL-BACKS: December 8th (Tuesday) at 7:30 – 10:30 PM
The Little Theatre

READ-THRU: December 14th (Monday) at 7:30 – 10:30 PM
The Little Theatre

Audition Details (Must Be A RIC Student)

·      7 women and 4 men;
·      Actors should prepare TWO contemporary, “CONTRASTING” monologues—one dramatic and one comedic.  Please memorize your monologues.  Total running time for both monologues should not exceed FOUR minutes;
·      Scripts will be available upstairs in the main office of the Department of Music, Theatre, & Dance with Sue DuBois, Administrative Assistant;
·      Call-Backs will be on Tuesday, Dec. 8th at 7:30 PM in the Little Theatre;
·      Call-Backs will be posted by 10 AM, Tuesday, Dec. 8th in the main office of the Department of Music, Theatre, & Dance, and call-back monologues and scenes will be available on that Tuesday below the call-back posting sign;
·      ALL auditioners, as well as call-back auditioners should READ THE ENTIRE PLAY;
·      FIRST READ-THRU/TABLE TALK: Monday, Dec. 14th at 7:30 PM in the Little Theatre.  Since the #3 slot production has only 4 weeks of rehearsal before production week, the tentative rehearsal schedule will be Saturday and Sunday (Noon – 6 pm with actors called ONLY as needed) and Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30–10:30 pm during January; 
·      Blocking Rehearsals  begin – Monday – Thursday, January 11 - 14
·      Rehearsals will be scheduled during the week of the KCACTF Region 1 Festival on Tuesday, Jan. 26th – Sunday, Jan. 31st with time TBD; 
·      Off-book date and rehearsal are Monday, January 25, so please use your holiday time to memorize your lines; 
·      Rehearsals will be every day in February except Tuesday, Feb. 9;
·      SHOW DATES: February 17th – February 21nd, Wednesday thru Sunday;

·      Questions? Please contact the director: Linda Sutherland at 401-441-0006 (cell) or by email:

* Check out the PICNIC tab on the call board for a character breakdown!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 11/9 and 11/10

Call for Monday, 11/9 and Tuesday, 11/10
6pm for cast and crew

Friday, November 6, 2015

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 11/6-8

Friday November 6th:

Saturday Nov 7th- Tech
12pm call for Mary, Mia, Stephanie, Michaela, Victor, Joe

Sunday Nov 8th - Tech

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 11/5

7-7:30pm - Work pages 12-17
Actors Called: Mary and Stephanie

7:30-10:30pm - Run show

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 11/4

7-10:30 - Run show, notes, work scenes tbd
Actors Called: All EXCEPT understudies

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Daily Call- HAROLD AND MAUDE- 11/3

7:30p- Act 1- Sc5, Blocking
            Called: Nick, Ava, Shelbi, Jack, Maria, Ensemble
8:00p- Act 1- Sc6, Blocking
            Called: Nick, Ava
8:30p- Act 1-Sc7, Blocking
            Called: Gabi, Nick, Sarah, Lauren
9:15p: Act 1- Sc8, Blocking
Called: Nick, Ava, Nora, Esi, Jack

Friday, October 30, 2015

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 11/1

2-2:30pm - Work Final Scene
Actors called: Mary, Mia, Stephanie

2:30-6pm - Work Act 1
Actors called: Mary, Mia, Stephanie, Michaela, Victor, Joe 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 10/30

5-7pm - Work selected scenes 
Actors called: Mary, Stephanie, Mia

7-8pm - Work selected scenes
Actors called: Mary, Stephanie, Mia, Joe, Michaela 

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 10/29

7-10:30pm - Run Entire Show
Actors Called: ALL (including understudies if available)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 10/28/2015

7-10:30 - Work Act 2+3 
Actors Called: Mary, Mia, Stephanie, Michaela, Victor, Joe 

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 10/27

7-10:30 pm - Run Entire Show, Notes, Work selected scenes
Actors Called: ALL, including understudies

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 10/22/15

7-8pm - Work Chick Scenes
Actors called: Michaela, Mary, Mia, Stephanie

8-8:30pm - Working pages 57-61
Actors called: Mary, Mia, Stephanie

8:30-9pm - Working pages 40-41
Actors called: Mia and Mary

9-10pm - Plug Joe in
Actors called: Joe, Mia, Mary, Stephanie

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Daily Call - Crimes of the Heart - 10/20/15

7-8:30 - Work pages 38-48
Actors Called: Mary, Stephanie, Mia

8:30-9:15 - Work pages 55-61
Actors Called: Mary, Stephanie, Mia

9:15-10:30 - Run Act 1
Actors Called: Mary, Stephanie, Mia, Michaela, Andy, Victor

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 10/16/15

4-4:45 - Blocking Act 3 Scene 3 (61-64)
Actors Called: Andy, Mia, Stephanie 

4:45-5:45 - Blocking Act 3 Scene 4 (64-67)
Actors Called: Mary, Mia, Michaela 

5:45-7 - Blocking Act 3 Scene 5 (68-72)
Actors Called: Mia, Stephanie, Mary 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Daily Call- CRIMES OF THE HEART - 10/15/15

7-8 - Blocking Act 2, Scene 3 (pgs 49-53)
Actors Called: Stephanie, Victor, Andy, Mia, Grace

8-8:30 - Blocking Act 3, Scene 1 (pgs 54-56)
Actors Called: Michaela, Grace, Mia

8:30-10:30 - Blocking Act 3, Scene 2 (pgs 57-61)
Actors Called: Stephanie, Grace, Mia 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART - 10/14/15

7-8 - Blocking Act 2, Scene 1 (pgs. 34-38)
Actors Called: Andy, Mia

8-9:30 - Blocking Act 2, Scene 2 (pgs. 38-48)
Actors Called: Stephanie, Mary, Mia

9:30-10:30 - Blocking Act 3, Scene 3 (pgs. 49-53)
Actors Called: Stephanie, Victor, Andy, Mia, Mary

Daily Call - CRIMES OF THE HEART, 10/13/15

7-8 - Blocking Act 1, Scene 5 (pgs 26-33)
Actors Called: Joe, Mia, Stephanie

8-10:30 - RUN Act 1
Actors Called: Mary, Michaela, Victor, Stephanie, Mia, Joe

Friday, October 9, 2015

Cast List- Harold and Maude

Thank you to everyone who auditioned, the large amount of talent made this a hard show to cast. The read through will be next Wednesday in the Marciniak Library at 7:00PM. A copy of this list will be posted outside the Music, Theatre, and Dance Office, please initial next to your name to indicate that you accept your role.

Harold Chasen – Nick D’Amico
The Countess Mathilda “Maude” Chardin – Ava Mascena
Mrs. Helen Chasen – Gabrielle McCauley
Dr. Matthews – Helena Tafuri
Father Finnegan – Jack Clarke
Marie the Maid – Lauren Pothier
Inspector Bernard – Nora Garron
Sergeant Doppel – Esi Mensah
Sylvie Gazel – Sarah Reed
Nancy Mersch – Michelle Cardoza
Sunshine Doré – Heron Kennedy
Gardener – Shelbi Escobar
Chief Gardener – Maria Corsini
Mr. Murgatroyd – Jackeline Aguirre

Ryan Pensavalle(understudy Harold)
Andrea Vargas(understudy Maude)
Alyssa Anderson(understudy Mrs. Chasen)
Jessilyn Ring
Rebecca Lerman
Kellie Rock

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Callback List- Harold and Maude

Thank you to all that auditioned! We have some serious talent here at RIC After a fantastic turn out of 46(!) these are the people called back. Due to the large number of auditioners, please be aware that not being called back is not a reflection of your talent. If you are not called back that does not mean you have not been cast. Please pick up your call back scenes tomorrow morning outside the Music, Theatre, and Dance office before the callbacks tomorrow (Thursday, 10/8) @ 7:00.


Nick D’Amico/Ava Mascena
Ryan Pensavalle/Nora Garron
Ian Pedroza/Shelbi Escobar
Steven Zailskas/Andrea Vargas

2.Dr. Matthews/Harold

Helena Tafuri /Nick D’Amico
Nora Garron/Steven Zailskas
Jack Clarke/Ryan Pensavalle

3.Mrs. Chasen/Sylvie Gazel

Gabrielle McCauley/Sarah Reed
Alyssa Anderson/Lauren Pothier
Helena Tafuri/Esi Mensah

4.Mrs. Chasen/Nancy Mersch

Lauren Pothier/Jessilyn Ring
Gabrielle McCauley/Michelle Cardoza
Rebecca Lerman/Nora Garron

5.Harold/Sunshine Doré

Nick D’Amico/Heron Kennedy
Ian Pedroza /Emma Ferreira
Steven Zailskas/Lauren Pothier

6.Maude/Mrs. Chasen

Shelbi Escobar/Lauren Pothier
Andrea Vargas/Sarah Reed
Ava Mascena/Gabrielle McCauley
Nora Garron/Helena Tafuri

Monday, October 5, 2015

It's official - DOUBT will be performing at NETC!

Brush-up rehearsals:
- 7:30-10pm - Monday, October 19th
- 7:30-10pm - Wednesday, October 21st

7pm on Friday, October 23rd
(Please plan to arrive at the venue in Westford, MA by 5pm)

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Cast List - Crimes of the Heart

Thank you for all your hard work and talent! It was a pleasure to watch you!
Our first read-through will be Wednesday at 7pm in the Little Theatre!
The cast list will be posted outside the department office. Please stop by before Wednesday and initial next to your name to indicate that you accept your role.

Lenny - Mary Arnold
Meg - Stephanie Barney
Babe - Mia Ceglie
Chick - Michaela Nerney
Doc - Victor Neto
Barnette - Joe Deleo
Male Understudy - Andy Jimenez
Female Understudy - Grace Chenot 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Callbacks- Crimes of the Heart

Thank you for your wonderful auditions. We had 41 auditioners for 6 roles! So please know that if you’re not called back, it is definitely NOT a reflection of the quality of your audition. Those who are called back on Sunday at noon are listed below.

Called back auditioners should please go get a stapled packet of scenes, located outside the department of office doors on the black table. You may read and get familiar with all of the scenes, but you should focus on the scenes featuring your assigned character(s) No need to memorize, but definitely be very familiar with your scene(s). 

For your own comfort, wear loose fitting and comfy clothes. I will probably try to get the men’s auditions done first, but please everyone invest a couple of hours at least for these callbacks. 

Victor Neto (Doc and Barnette) 
Sarah Reed (Chick)
Nick D’Amico (Barnette)
Grace Chenot (Lenny and Meg)
Mary Arnold (Meg and Babe)
Andy Jimenez (Doc and Barnette)
Maria Corsini (Meg and Lenny) 
Stephanie Barney (Meg)
Ryan Field (Doc and Barnette) 
Joe Deleo (Barnette)
Ava Mascena (Chick and Lenny)
Helena Tafuri (Meg)
Cassandra Kacoyannokis (Chick) 
Jennifer Nardi (Babe)
Mia Ceglie (Babe)
Lauren Pothier (Babe)
Jon Klous (Barnette)
Andrea Vargas (Chick)
Heron Kennedy (Lenny)
Sal Costantino (Doc and Barnette)

Michaela Nerny (Lenny and Chick)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

DOUBT opens tonight!!

Congratulations to the cast and crew!! Break legs!!

Technical Theatre 091

Please mark your calendars with this semester's 091 Technical Theatre dates!
091 is mandatory for all Technical Theatre majors, but is open to anyone working for us if they'd like feedback on their resume/portfolio or experience interviewing for a technical theatre job.

This semester, 091 will be meeting twice. The first date is a portfolio/CV/resume presentation from the technical theatre faculty - This is happening on Friday, October 16th at 4pm up in the tech classroom. This is your opportunity to see how professionals in the field have organized their experience into a package they can present to potential employers. (Tech majors need to attend this presentation at least once during their career here at RIC.)

The second meeting date is Friday, December 11th. Starting at 4pm, we will be holding individual appointments with everyone interested in signing up for one. At this appointment you will present your resume and current portfolio as if you were interviewing for a job. This meeting also allows us to give you feedback on your materials and your performance this semester and allows you to give us feedback as well and to let us know what you'd like to work on in the future here at RIC. A sign-up sheet for these appointments will be posted later this semester. (ALL technical theatre majors must come to an individual appointment to receive 091 credit for this semester, and you need an 091 credit for each semester in order to graduate!)

If you are a technical theatre major and you have not enrolled in 091 for this semester, please talk to Chris right away.

Let me know if you have any questions!

~ Nicki

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Call Times For Doubt

Call Times For Doubt

Wednesday September 23rd Show:             Call 6:00PM
Thursday September 24th Show:                 Call 6:00PM
Friday September 25th Show:                      Call 6:00PM
Saturday September 26th 2PM Show:         Call 12:30PM
Photo Call Between Shows!
Saturday September 26th 7:30PM Show:    Call 6:00PM
Sunday September 27th Show:                    Call 6:00PM

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Doubt Tech Rehearsal Schedule

Sat September 19th 12-5PM ALL
Sun September 20th 5-10PM ALL
Mon September 21st 6-10PM ALL
Tues September 22nd 6-10PM ALL

Call Times for Wed-Sun will be figured out during Tech.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Audition Announcement - CRIMES OF THE HEART

Audition Announcement - CRIMES OF THE HEART

Audition:       October 2nd (Friday), from 4-8PM, The Little Theatre
Call-Backs:    October 4th (Sunday), Noon – 4PM, The Little Theatre

* More details to follow!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Hello Everyone,

Just as a reminder, on Monday, September 14th you all have costume fitting appointments.

11AM: Esi

11:30AM: Heron

12PM: Steph

If you have any problems, please contact the costume shop at (401)456-9561.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Doubt Rehersal Schedule September 10th-17th UPDATED

9-15 Tues.  7:30-9:30PM ALL Run Thru    ALL in Forman Theatre
9-16 Wed.  7:30-9:30PM ALL  Run Thru   ALL
9-17 Thur.  7:30-9:30PM ALL  Run Thru   ALL

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Doubt Schedule update!

For Monday August 31st this is the new schedule: 
7:30-8:15PM pages 40-45 Table Work/Blocking Sister Aloysius, Mrs. Muller 
8:15-8:45PM pages 45-50 Table Work/Blocking Father Flynn, Sister Aloysius 
8:45-9:15PM pages 50-52 Table Work/Blocking Sister Aloysius, Sister James

Monday, July 13, 2015

DOUBT cast list

Taylor Santoro         FATHER BRENDAN FLYNN
Heron Kennedy       SISTER JAMES
Esi Mensah                MRS. MULLER
Ryan S. Field             Understudy (Father Flynn)
Ava Mascena             Understudy (Sister Aloysius)
Sarah Reed                Understudy (Sister James)

Rehearsals begin August 25th in the Little Theatre!

8-25       Tues.     
5-7PM                     ALL         ALL         Read-Thru/Table-Work                ALL
8-26       Wed.       
5-5:30PM            1               13-14    Table-Work/Blocking                     Father Flynn                                
5:30-6:15PM      2               14-20    Table-Work/Blocking                     Sister Aloysius, Sister James
6:15-6:45PM      3               21            Table-Work/Blocking                     Father Flynn
6:45-7:30PM      4               22-27    Table-Work/Blocking                     Sister James, Sister Aloysius
8-27       Thur.     
5-6PM                     5               27-35    Table-Work/Blocking                     Sister Aloysius, Father Flynn, Sister James
 6-6:30PM              6               35-36    Table-Work/Blocking                     Father Flynn
 6:30-7PM              7               36-39    Table-Work/Blocking                     Father Flynn, Sister James
7-8PM                     8               40-45    Table-Work/Blocking                     Sister Aloysius, Mrs. Muller